Since I was a very young girl, performing with my mom in coffee shops, I have always dreamed of being a singer. That dream came true for me in 2016, when I was able to record my first studio album. The album was partially inspired by my time living in Seoul, South Korea, and in the best way, my album was very much a family project. My mom wrote and co-wrote the songs on the album. My youngest sister filmed all my music videos. My dad and younger sister came to all of my gigs. I was so incredibly and abundantly blessed to realize one of my biggest dreams in life due to the unwavering support of my family. But in 2020, all my performing came to a halt as life changed irrevocably because of the global pandemic.
At this time, I became intrigued with the concept of energy. I had spent years studying concepts of self love and self care and when I stumbled upon the concept of energy, something in me clicked. It felt right. Slowly, as I was incorporating energy work into my life, I started feeling better than I had ever felt before. My lifelong battle with depression finally seemed to have abated. I had a more positive outlook on life than I ever had before. I started manifesting random sums of money! As I was seeing more and more results, I began investing in myself heavily in terms of energy work and consequently earned my certifications in energy healing.
In early August 2021, I completed an energy healing and shortly after, my psychic gifts that had been dormant since childhood, resurfaced in a huge way. I realized that I was hearing and communing with Spirit at all times- 24/7! Ever since then, I have been experiencing the miraculous on-the-daily. It was also at this time that I followed the guidance that I was getting from God and Spirit to attain my hypnotherapy certification.
I am currently using my unique gifts to manifest my new, spiritual album and offer my energy services to my collective. I choose to serve humanity and trust God to connect me with those whom I'm meant to meet.